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Three Kinds of Temporary Work Visas in Florida

 Posted on July 18,2024 in Immigration

Florida Immigration LawyerMoving to Florida to work can be exciting, but you need the right visa. Temporary work visas allow people from other countries to work in the U.S. for a limited time. There are three types of temporary work visas individuals should know about H Visas, L Visas, and E Visas. Each one has different rules. An attorney can assist you in deciding which temporary work visa makes the most sense for you.

H Visas: For Skilled Workers

The H Visa is for people who have special skills. There are different kinds of H Visas:

  • H-1B Visa – This is for workers in jobs like tech, engineering, or medicine. You need a job offer and a college degree.

  • H-2A Visa – This is for farm workers. If a farm in Florida needs more workers, they can hire people from other countries using this visa.

  • H-2B Visa – This is for non-farm jobs, like working in hotels or amusement parks. The employer must prove they need more workers than they can find locally.

To get an H Visa, your employer must first apply for you.

L Visas: For Company Transfers

The L visa is for workers who transfer within the same company from another country to the U.S. There are two types:

  • L-1A Visa – This is for managers or executives. If you are a high-level employee, you can use this visa to work in a Florida office.

  • L-1B Visa – This is for employees with special knowledge. For example, if you know very specific things about your company’s products, you can use this visa.

For an L visa, you must have worked for the company for at least one year before coming to the U.S.

E Visas: For Investors and Traders

The E visa is for people who invest money in the U.S. or trade large amounts between their country and the U.S. There are two main types:

  • E-1 Visa – This visa is for traders. If you run a business that trades goods or services with the U.S., this visa may be good for you.

  • E-2 Visa – This visa is for investors. You can use it if you plan to start or buy a business in Florida. You must invest a significant amount of money.

Your country must have a treaty with the U.S. for an E visa.

Contact Our Orange County, FL Employment-Based Immigration Attorney

Understanding which visa you need is important for working in Florida. For legal help, contact the Orlando, FL employment-based immigration lawyer with Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC. Call 407-955-5000 for a free consultation today, and get started on your way to a new job and life in Florida. 

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